Whether you just walked through our doors for the first time or you are interested in getting involved with campus activities, as a Glenbow College student, we are here to help you every step of the way whenever and wherever you need it. Success matters at Glenbow College so we have a wide range of services and resources available for you to succeed, inside and outside of the classroom. Whether you are looking for academic support, interested in getting involved with campus activities, want to get benefit of campus services or more for your career development, we are here to provide you a complete consultancy and comprehensive support.
Lots of ways to support you academically including choosing your courses, fulfilling your program requirements, transferring credits, or any other academic issues.
GC Campus ID cards, student lounge, library, internet services, open learning center, and many more services are available for making life easier while you focus on your success.
Online job board, career & job fairs, job search assistance, in-class workshops, job postings, resume writing, interview techniques, extra certificates and employer info sessions.
You are not here just to attend class and get a diploma. There’s a life outside class. Learn what’s happening at Glenbow College, get involved, have fun and meet new people.
- Academic Policy
- Academic Calendar
- Course Timetables
- Exam Schedules
GC Campus ID Card
• Students can obtain their student card at the Registrar’s Office.
GC Campus ID Card service is available from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
• One Government issued photo identification is required.
GC Internet Services
• Students can obtain their Wi-Fi access codes at Front Desk Office.
Support for internet service is available from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
• GC Campus ID is required.
Campus Regulations
Any college regulations are intended to reflect the college’s intention to respect the rights of students and to require students to observe the rights and regulations set out by the College. Each valued student at Glenbow College is a member of the Glenbow College community. As a member of this community, each student is entitled to expect certain rights to be recognized by the College community and, in the same way, the College community is entitled to expect responsible behavior from the individual student.
Open Learning Center
Your success matters that’s why we created a learning environment for you in comfort and simplicity. GC Open Learning Center is designed for GC students to reach the resources whenever they need. You can do your studies while having your drink or listening to your favorite music in a comfortable atmosphere.
Glenbow College career services are designed for preparing you on your school-to-work journey. We are here to assist you from the moment you confirm your acceptance with us all the way up to one year after graduation.

Together with your career advisor, refine your goals, receive information on other community supports, encouragement and introductions to employers. Learn about personal branding, professional networking and how to “sell” your skills.
Choose workshops that will help you reach your employment goals.CreatingLinkedIn profile, networking, resume writing, interview techniques, and employer info sessions and many more workshops are available for you.
Information is the power and the ones who have it will shape what’s next. Lots of events planned where you can learn more about your future profession, ups & downs in your target sector and real life stories from guest speakers.
There’s more to your college experience than textbooks and classrooms. There’s a life outside class. Learn what’s happening at Glenbow College, get involved, have fun and meet new people. Make the most of your student experience by getting involved with campus activities and engaging in student life.
Ready to get tutoring from your friends or to be a tutor for your friends? Peer Tutoring is a volunteer activity at Glenbow College. Peer tutors help students who need help with their academic studies. These individuals have proven their advanced knowledge within certain courses and offer to help you get on track academically.
After a hard week of study, you deserve to sit with your friends and have some cups of tea. Every Friday afternoon, Glenbow College students reward themselves by gathering at student lounge for Tea Time. As Chaim Potok says:Come, let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things
Are you the one who believes that books can be LIFE-CHANGING? Are you book lover? Grab the book of the month and joinBookworms
. Meet other readers who love books, and enjoy crafts, games, and snacks, too. Glenbow CollegeBookworms
are calling all bookworms to join them for unforgettable moments around books.
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