How to Apply?
Glenbow College 5 steps guide that is outlined in the Table 1 lists the actions you need to take during the application process to confirm your study arrangements.
•Step 1- Determine Program & meet requirements
•Determine program of interest. See Programs for details.
•Meet the Admission requirements of the program of your interest with the exception of an Interview with an International Admission Representative. The interview will take place after the Step3. See Admission Requirements for details.
•Meet the Admission requirements of the program of your interest with the exception of an Interview with an International Admission Representative. The interview will take place after Step 3. See Admission Requirements for details.
•Step 2 – Submit a complete application package
•Via any of the two methods:
(1) an application that is fillable, signable and can be electronically submitted please download the PDF form here.
(2) an application that is fillable, but which must be printed, signed and then submitted by email please open the application form here. Or you can contact for both forms contact: isadmissions@glenbowcollege.ca
•Submit the complete application form, Proof of English Language and Translated and Notarized transcript and other high school credentials to isadmissions@glenbowcollege.ca
•Pay the non-refundable CAD $500 application fee*. See financial for more details and payment method.
•Step 3 Interview with International Admission Representative
• Within 10 business days , a review of your credentials will be conducted and subsequently a phone interview will be arranged.
• If you are accpted, the college will e-mail you an enrollment contract that contains a payment plan detailing when payments are due and in what amount. The enrollment contract needs to be signed and e-mailed to isadmissions@glenbowcollege.ca
• Payment Plan details the timing of tuition deposit and tuition collection schedule by Glenbow College as per prevailing regulations. See Tuition Collection and Refund Policy for further details
•Step 4- Acceptance Letter
•An acceptance Letter will be mailed to you once we have received your signed payment plan.
•Step 5- Visa and Student permit
•Take the Letter of Acceptance and apply for your student visa and study permit via your closest Canadian Embassy, High Commission, or Consulate. See the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada website. Click here for IRCC website for further details. Ensure you compliy with all the requiremets of the consulate prior to application.
Once your application for study student visa and study permit is successful, you can proceed to arrange for your accommodation while studying in Canada and obtain health insurance while studying in Canada. For more information, see the details under “Living in Canada”
* Application fees are non-refundable. Applications are processed once the application fees are received.
** An enrollment contract is issued once the prospective student meets all the admission requirements for the agreement and understanding of all the parties. Students are also financially responsible for all charges incurred after the Enrollment Contract has been signed.