Dispute Resolution Policy
Due to the diversity of individuals operating in close proximity to one another, the College realizes there may be disputes and conflicts that arise from time to time. Glenbow College provides an opportunity for students to resolve disputes of a serious nature in a fair, reasonable and equitable manner. Glenbow College is committed to the prompt and equitable resolution of student concerns to the satisfaction of both the student and the College. It is understood that a student has an obligation to promptly bring concerns or complaints about their program. The College does not want minor problems to develop into major issues. This is to provide the student and the College the best opportunity to address, respond to, and if necessary, remediate the issue as soon as possible. In general, if a student has any problems or concerns during their training period, the College encourages students to discuss them promptly with the staff member directly involved. Should the concern require further investigation and involvement, the staff member will arrange a meeting with the appropriate personnel, up to and including the Campus Director.
A complaint must be filed with the Student Relations within ten (10) calendar days of the occurrence of the incident or from the date upon which the student should reasonably have known about the matter(s) they are complaining about. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. At each level, complaints must be in writing; however, e-mail complaints may be accepted with telephone confirmation.
If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student will be asked to document, in a letter, their concern, the actions taken to date by the campus in an effort to resolve the issue, and the desired resolution. The Campus Director will investigate the student’s concern and meet with the student to seek a resolution.
Addressing issues can either follow an informal or formal process
Informal Resolution Process
1. If a student has a concern about another student, the course/module, an assignment, an examination,
or any other classroom related matter, the student should meet with the instructor. In most cases it is
best to address the concern directly and with the person involved. If the matter cannot be resolved, the
student is directed to the Campus Director.
2. If the concern involves an instructor, the College, the facilities, financial matters, a College employee,
health related matters, or a concern of a serious nature, the student should meet with the Campus
Director. The Campus Director may refer the student to a designee for further discussion or exploration
of the issue. The campus-based process involves meeting with the student, discussing the student’s
concern, and recording the concern and the student’s desired resolution on the Student Resolution
Form. Relevant parties may be contacted during this process.
3. A Student Resolution Form is completed and signed by both the student and the Campus Director or
designee as a means of capturing the content of the conversation, concerns, agreements, and/or action
to be taken, if any. The Student Resolution Form is given to the student and a copy is filed in the
student’s administrative file.
4. If the Campus Director or designee and the student come to a satisfactory resolution during the
meeting, the resolution plan is implemented, and the Campus Director or designee will follow up to
ensure the resolution plan satisfactorily resolves the concern.
Formal Resolution Process
In the event that a student’s concern has not been resolved through the Informal Resolution Process, the student may initiate a formal complaint or expression of concern through the Formal Resolution Process. In order to facilitate a timely and accurate resolution, students must initiate the Formal Resolution Process within ten (10) days of the date the events that gave rise to the complaint. In order for the Formal Resolution Process to begin, the student must put his or her concern or complaint in writing in the form of a letter. The student must set out the areas of concern/complaint, their intention that they follow the formal dispute resolution process, their recommendation for resolution, and what steps they have taken to date to address or resolve the issue. This will initiate the Formal Resolution Process.
- Step 1: The Campus Director or designee will investigate the student’s concern/complaint and meet with the student to seek resolution and/or seek additional information around the concern/complaint from the student as soon as is practicable and normally within 5 business days.
- Step 2: The Campus Director or the designee will investigate the student’s concern/complaint and within 10 business days of receipt of the complaint letter will respond in writing stating the outcome of the investigation with recommendations.
- Step 3: If the student accepts the conclusions/recommendations for resolution, the matter is deemed resolved and the agreement is set out in a Student Resolution Report signed by the student and the Campus Director. A copy of the student’s complaint/letter, together with the response will be retained in the student’s file. The student will receive a copy of this report. All correspondence regarding the dispute will ordinarily be under the Campus Director’s signature.
- If the concern cannot be resolved and the student wishes to take the matter further, the student and College agree that the complaint can only be advanced further by way of third party arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed, or decided by the arbitrator, each party will bear the equal cost for the arbitration.
If the student is not satisfied with the College’s decision after the review process, he or she can file a complaint with Alberta Advanced Education, Private Career Colleges at: advancededucation.alberta.ca or by mail: Director, Private Vocational Training, 10th Floor Commerce Place, 10155-102 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 4L5